Solar Panels Galway

Solar PV Panels Galway
Solar PV Panels Ireland offer solar panel installations in Ireland and throughout the west. If you are working on a new build or a renovation project then now is a great time to find out a little more about solar panels. They are extremely efficient and can significantly reduce your energy bills. Get in touch on our contact page with any questions you might have. We are fully qualified solar panel installers in Galway.
Solar Panel design
Solar PV Panels Ireland will take all your details and design a system that suits your needs and budget. Photovoltaic panels offer a great return on your initial investment with our panels power rated for 25 years. So rest assured your solar panels in Galway will be saving you money on your utility bills for many years to come. No matter what your location in Ireland is.
Feed In Tariff
Another great incentive to install solar panels is the introduction of a feed in tariff later in 2021. This will offer renewable energy owners to export surplus energy to the local grid and get paid by their energy supplier. There are also options to store excess energy in a battery system or divert it to heat your hot water cylinder. Check out our services page to see what solar panels can offer. So don’t wait any longer invest in solar panels today. Contact us to book our solar panel installers in Galway.